Have we piqued your interest in our company? – Excellent! Apply for a position with us!
On our job board you can see all the positions we currently offer and you can find out about them quickly and easily. Choose your profession, your location or a general search term – and you will get an overview of vacancies. It is best to apply online. This allows us to transfer your data quickly and respond quickly to your application. Filling out the application will only take a few minutes. If you have entered your data on XING or LinkedIn, you can easily transfer it to our management system. If you do not find what you are looking for in our vacancies, send us your CV by email to [email protected]
Career with us

Practice and academic papers
Are you looking for an internship during school or college in Belgrade or Novi Sad? We offer you the opportunity to get an insight into the planning of the technical equipment of the building and to make the first contacts with us as a potential employer. We offer future academics the opportunity to complete the practical phase in our company and to write a final thesis. Have we piqued your interest? Send us your application to [email protected]
Professional education
Looking for a job with responsible and exciting tasks? A job with the possibility of further professional development or even a diploma? We offer you the ideal start to your career as a technical system planner.
Plan your future with us and apply for professional training as a technical system planner.

Dual education or parallel studies during professional development
Would you like to study but also want to earn your own money? We offer you different ways to do both. Regardless of whether you have already completed training as a technical system planner and subsequently decided to study or would like to complete a dual education right after your graduation, you have an opportunity with us!
Send us your application by mail or simply by e-mail to [email protected]